Hyperthermia Treatment is recognized as a method in which the Body is either entirely or selectively heated in certain regions by various methods.
The aim is to influence on the one side the body's defence system and on the other side to increase the sensitivity of diseased tussues.
Methods of Hyperthermia
Our medical specialists perform the following hyperthermia procedures:
Regional deep Hyperthermia
During this procedure only the Tumor region, rather then the whole body, is heated up to 42° C, which reduces the impact on circulation.
This therapy is predominantly used to treat tumors / metastasis in the liver, lungs, bones and brain.
Whole body hyperthermia (Fever bed)
Whole body hyperthermia is used when methastasis are throughout the whole body, or the presumption of such.
However, it is also possible with regional limited tumors.
Tumor tissue is more sensitive to heat then healthy tissue. The cell walls are changing, so that the Tumor cells can be better recognized and attacked by the body's immune system.
The blood supply to the Tumor tissue is reduced by heat and in Addition the cancer cells react sensitevely under under heat.
This therapy form is also called "Fever therapy", it mobilizes the immune system and increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy. In this case, the whole body is heated up in a heat bed at 39° to 40° Celsius.
The intraperitoneal Perfusion hyperthermia was developed for the treatment of metastases in the abdomen.
Hereby the abdomen is flused with a approx. 45° C hot liquid enriched with cytostatics.
Superficial hyperthermia
This therapy with infrared radiation is appropriate for the treatment of tumours situated in the skin or closely under the skin, such as the affected lymph nodes, skin metastasis, melanoma or recurrence in the operative region.